The No Biggie Bunch is a new book series for kids creatively coping with food allergies, featuring a diverse group of kids who handle the social challenges of food allergies with poise and panache. (The No Biggie Bunch .com)
The adventures of Davis, Natalie, Paige, Eliot, Scotty and Greta are neither technical nor medical. Their stories are meant to act as springboards for conversation among children, parents, teachers, friends and family members.
The No Biggie Bunch doesn’t speak about limitations or medications. They focus on allergen-free celebrations and smart preparation.
Check out the four No Biggie Bunch titles!
The No Biggie Bunch Sports-tastic Birthday Party
It’s Scotty’s birthday and you’re invited to the soccer field for cake, candles and kicks. Join The No Biggie Bunch as they learn that while food allergies are no laughing matter, there’s always something to smile about when friends are around. They’re such good sports!
The No Biggie Bunch Peanut-Free Tea for Three

The No Biggie Bunch Trade-or-Treat Halloween

The No Biggie Bunch Dairy-Free Dino-Licious Dig

What inspired your books?
For us, necessity truly was the mother of invention!
Heather is mother to three children with life-threatening food allergies. Kerry cared for the kids while in writing school and is still very involved in their lives.
In the early days of the kids’ new food-allergy diagnoses, we quickly mastered the critical food element – what to serve, what to steer clear from – but worried how the kids would cope in social settings like birthday parties, school events and holidays.
There were no social or emotional resources the kids could easily relate to and use in their daily lives. We put our heads together, tapped into our “on the job training”, and created our own original solution – The No Biggie Bunch!
The No Biggie Bunch covers many social challenges of allergies, how do your books address these challenges?
We created The No Biggie Bunch as a complementary resource to the great medical care kids with food allergies are receiving today.
With their parents, doctors and teachers, kids can maintain their food intake and medication. We thought they could benefit from a ready response to questions or negative comments about their food allergies – a language all their own. “No Biggie” was born!
“No Biggie” is both a catchphrase kids can employ and an attitude kids, parents, teachers and peers can adopt with fun and ease. It’s is a positive tool to add to a child’s food-allergy toolbox of support.
As illustrated in the books, “No Biggie” works like this: in response to an uneasy parent serving ice cream cake at a birthday party, a child with a milk allergy can respond, “No biggie, I brought my own treat!”.
He can reach into his No Biggie Bag (packed ahead), pull out his special safe treat, and go on with the party – just like a kid with no food allergies. Because he follows The No Biggie Bunch code of preparedness, he’s ready to enjoy the party – allergen-free.
What really makes The No Biggie Bunch series so special is the No Biggie Bag Bonus the reader finds at the end of every book.
The No Biggie Bag Bonus features a story-related question that starts the food-allergy conversation among kids, parents, peers and teachers. The series encourages posing the questions to the food-allergic child to not only spark imagination, but also to open the discussion about what s/he would do to be prepared for a typical social situation.
What do you hope to bring to allergic families with these books?
We hope The No Biggie Bunch helps kids with food allergies cope with the inevitable social challenges of food allergies, because, let’s face it, most every party, gathering or school event includes food!
We also hope the kids’ parents and siblings, classmates and teammates, teachers and friends’ parents can adopt the “No Biggie” concepts of safety, preparedness and a great attitude.
When kids and adults speak the same language, the social challenges of food allergies really can be “No biggie!”
To learn more about the Bunch, spy their mission statement, or order books, please visit www.NoBiggieBunch.com. Books are also available at Amazon
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