This Saturday * January 30th
Minnesota Food Allergy
Come for the music - and bid at the auction.
Come for the auction - and stay for the music.
Or Come for Both at the 4th annual
Benefit Concert & Silent Auction
This Saturday * January 30th

Lauren Drasler
singing tunes from popular Broadway Musicals composed by Rodgers & Hammerstein, Cole Porter, Noel Coward, and Kurt Weil!
Also featuring
Kent Sommer
performing on piano and violin and
John Ke Pheobe Ke Persis Ke
Max Narvaez
performing on piano
St. Anthony Park Lutheran Church
2323 Como Avenue; St. Paul, MN
Silent Auction 2 p.m.
Concert 3 p.m.
Invite extended family, friends & neighbors
for this fun occasion! All ages welcome!
A food-free nursery is available (unstaffed) for young children and their parents.
Refreshments available: fair trade coffee, apple juice, Ener-G Pretzels, and
Home Free cookies
all refreshments will be free of peanut, tree-nut, milk, egg, wheat, fish, shellfish allergens
Sponsored by
Pencil Thin Communications
Bid on an wonderful selection of items, including:
Vikings, Timberwolves, Wild Autographed Photos
Twins Bobblehead
Timberwolves Basketball, Saints Baseball Tickets
Ipod Shuffle, Children's Art Basket
Muffuletta, Suka-Rama, Bibelot, Speedy Market Gift Cards
Park Tavern, Broadway Pizza, Ol' Mexico Restaurant Cards
Guthrie, Brave New Workshop, Stages, Park Square Theatre
& Minnesota Opera Tickets
Collector Teddy Bears, Antique Collectibles
Russell Cobane Print
Wine Collection, Wine Basket
Handmade Quilt
Food Allergy Basket, Food Allergy Books & Cookbook,
Sunwise Sunbutter Sandwiches, Sunbutter Basket
Allergic Living Magazine, Boom-Choco-Boom Chocolate Bars
An afternoon with singer/entertainer Kyle Dine
Books, Candles, Aveda Beauty Products
Relax the Back Travel Kit, Sonicare Toothbrush
Park Service Oil Change, Dales Studio Photography
Silent Auction Item Spotlights:
Sunwise Sandwiches - enjoy peanut-free, hassle-free, ready-made sunbutter & jelly sandwiches for lunch or on the go! Made in a dedicated peanut/treenut-free facility. Two cases of this new item will be available for bidding!
Enjoy Life Boom-Choco-Boom Bars - luscious dark chocolate bar free of the 8 major allergens!
Bid on Kyle Dine! Have a meal, entertain the kids, compose a song, or just visit for 2 hours with North America's only Food Allergy Entertainer, who manages multiple food allergies himself!
Two choices for the sommelier - a Wine Rack with fine wines; and a Wine Basket!
Boutique Gift Card from Suka-rama!
To Volunteer
Contact Becki
to help set up, hand out programs, or put away chairs.
The Anaphylaxis and Food Allergy Association of Minnesota (AFAA) is a volunteer-run 501(c)3 Minnesota Non-profit whose mission is food allergy education, advocacy, and support.
We operate through the generosity of volunteers and donations.
Help us Take the Fear Out of Food Allergies!
Anaphylaxis and Food Allergy Association of Minnesota (AFAA)
Minnesota Food Allergy
Hope to see you at the event!! =)
Becki, I will not be ther but have a good time.
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