The following article has been circulating in the allergy community
Campbell Recognized for Food Allergy Awareness Efforts
From the article:
Campbell Soup Company was recently honored by the Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Network (FAAN) for its commitment to food allergy safety, awareness and education.
At its Annual Patient Conference in Baltimore, Md., FAAN recognized Campbell with a Special Achievement Award for introducing a new and innovative scanning technology in its plants to improve allergen labeling on its products. Campbell helped develop the strategy for a Vision System to scan product manufacturing codes and ensure that they match UPC codes on the product labels.
Note these links on Cambpbells American site:
USA Allergen Labeling Code of Commitment
USA Gluten Free information
In September 2009 I contacted Campbells Soup, I asked them twice why they provide allergy information on their American site, but not their Canadian site (they added gluten free after my e-mail), they did not acknowledge this e-mail question, they did however answer my question regarding allergens, but not completely regarding cross contamination.
From: campbellsoup@casupport.com
Date: Fri, 25 Sep 2009
we received your message and appreciate your taking the time to contact Campbell Soup Company. Please be assured your comments and concerns have been forwarded to our Web Design Team.
The Campbell Soup Company follows all government regulations regarding the labeling of our products. In the case of the top 8 allergens (peanuts, tree nuts, dairy, eggs, fish, wheat, soy and shellfish) we list those ingredients in the product ingredient statement, no matter how small the amount might be. We do not include any of those items under the broader listings of "spices" or "natural flavors". We recommend that consumers always check the ingredient statement and evaluate the product based on the statement.
In regards to possible cross contact between products, we use an extensive and effective sanitation procedure in between different processing operations, and efforts are made to prevent any possible cross contact to the greatest practical extent.
They now have gluten information on their Canadian site Gluten Free Information
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