Kyle Dine -Live in Concert - FREE!
Singing new songs from his not-yet-released CD!
at the
Food Allergy Awareness Walk
See the Anaphylaxis & Food Allergy Association of Minnesota web site for more information
March 20, 2010 Mall of America(R)
also featuring
St. Paul Saints Baseball Mascot, Mudonna;
Royalty; Lauren Drasler; and more!
Form or join a team & walk the family-friendly accessible route
TIME: Walk at 8 a.m. Finish by 9 (Registration begins at 7)
LOCATION: Mall of America® (Macy's Court), Bloomington, MN
Create awareness & raise funds for food allergy programs!
T-shirts will be awarded to ALL walkers earning $50 or more in donations
$100-$249 in pledges also earn an AFAA stainless steel water bottle
$250-$499 in pledges can choose AFAA ball cap
$500-$1,000 in pledges earn an AFAA stadium blanket
$1,000 or more in pledges earn an AFAA fleece jacket
Prizes are not cumulative.
Additional prizes will be given for
the largest team at the walk
the team raising the most [total dollar] donations
the largest clinic or corporate team at the walk
the clinic or corporate team raising the most [total dollar] donations
Thank you Anaphylaxis & Food Allergy Association of Minnesota for this information
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