Welcome to the May 13, 2010 edition of living with food allergies carnival.
C. Myers presents Eating Away From Home posted at Mind Mart, saying, "Tips for eating away from home with a food allergy."
Food Allergy Assistant presents Spring Allergy Season posted at Food Allergy Assistant.
Food Allergy Assistant presents Participating in Food Allergy Studies posted at Food Allergy Assistant, saying, "Ever considered participating in a food allergy study? Here's what you need to know."
Sharon Rosen presents A Typical American Day…with Corn posted at Live Corn Free.
Lara DeHaven presents Purple Lips and Purple Thumbs posted at Texas Homesteader.
Marc presents Food Allergy Complexity: More Than Meets the Eye, by Margaret Pingolt posted at Eat Nut-Free, saying, "A look into food allergies as a young adult."
Caryn presents Is a Celiac coming for Dinner? Some helpful tips for the busy host. posted at Healthy-Family.org, saying, "Your Celiac loved one will likely not tell you that your food makes them sick. No one wants to sound like a hypochondriac or worse yet, ungrateful. But you are having a party and want to feed your gluten intolerant guest. So what can you offer them that is tasty, safe from cross-contamination, and will not make them panic? Your best bet is to find a pre-packaged product or a local dedicated gluten-free bakery that can provide safely made desserts."
Alisa presents New Brands Join the Ever-Expanding World of Dairy-Free, Soy-Free Almond Milk posted at Go Dairy Free.
Alisa presents Food Revolution: Strawberry Oat Mylk and a Fruit ‘n Fiber Breakfast Shake posted at One Frugal Foodie.
Alisa presents From Scratch Recipe: Fudgie Pomegranate Power Chocolate posted at Dairy Free and Fit.
Israel Baline presents 5 Excellent iPad Apps for Your Health and Wellness posted at BSN to MSN, saying, "Out of the myriad of applications that will be released in the coming months, here is a first look at five iPad applications to ensure your health and happiness."
Jane Anne presents Staying Safe in Elementary School with a Peanut Allergy posted at Gravity of Motion, saying, "Although this explains the steps we took for my peanut allergy son, many of the ideas in this post could be used for a child with any food allergies."
Kim Maes presents The Time Has Finally Come…. posted at Kim Maes, saying, "All about learning a new "normal" in the world of food allergies!"
Rowena Hebert presents
Noha Elkar presents Daycare & Allergies - Allergy Mom posted at Allergy Mom's Blog, saying, "An article about daycare and tips for parents with allergic children."
That concludes this edition. Submit your blog article to the next edition of living with food allergies carnival using our carnival submission form.
Past posts and future hosts can be found on our blog carnival index page.
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living with food allergies carnival, blog carnival.
1 comment:
Lovely food at carnival i had visited last year it was awesome. Hope this year will also be yummy food at carnival.
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