From Cindy Pasky,
December 8, 2010: MP Dean Allison's Anaphylaxis Statement in the House of Commons (Full script)
It was a good day for anaphylaxis awareness on Parliament Hill.
Background MP Dean Allison (Niagara West-Glanbrook) hosted a Motion 546 working luncheon for MPs. It was well attended by MPs from across Canada, including members of the Health Committee. There was great interest and expressions of support in the Canadian Anaphylaxis Initiative (read more on this at www.nask.ca).
Short presentations included a glimpse of the daily challenges, a description of our policy asks and an outline of actions MPs could take to help support the Canadian awareness drive. During a robust Q&A, MPs shared their observations and asked questions.
Of those in the room, at least half know someone with a life threatening allergy. Everyone learned how to use an EpiPen!!
St. Catharines MP Rick Dykstra also spoke in Parliament on this initiative: Families Seek Action on Life Threatening Allergies
Support Change - Pass This On!
Pass this information on to family, friends and all those who should be made aware of our effort to raise awareness for anaphylaxis and to create safer environments for people living with this medical condition. This Canadian initiative WILL improve lives for individuals and families living with anaphylaxis.
Send this information to your MP! Ensure s/he knows about MOTION 546.
All of our efforts led by Canada's different allergy and anaphylaxis groups are bound to coalesce, and drive significant change. Thank you for your continued effort and support.
For more information, visit www.nask.ca and call or email:
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