We are getting ready for Christmas.
We went to white gift Sunday at church this Sunday, and then made gingerbread men at home. Our entertainment unit has been cleared and will set out my nativity set soon. Our Solstice tree is decorated; we did artificial again, as my allergies can’t take a real tree for too long.
We have planned dairy free smores made from Ross Chocolates see post dairy free smores and I spotted dairy egg and nut free Yule logs from Guardian Angel Foods. We have our organic vegan and allergy friendly candy canes from Pure Fun. I like Pure Funs allergy free from list here(for heir candy canes).
The school had their holiday concert without even a hint of Christ or even Christmas in it, PC once again gone a muck.
The school also had a movie night, they had food my allergic child could eat, but we packed dairy free popcorn anyway.
Later the school will have their float parade, where children who wish to participate, build a holiday float and parade them through the school. I enjoy seeing all the floats that reflect the many families in the school. Last year we saw floats with holiday shoppers, solstice trees, winter floats, manger floats and Santa Clause floats.
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