Monday, April 27, 2009

Gluten Free News

From Connie Sarros Gluten Free Books newsletter:

Food Companies Are Responding!

It was great when Kraft Foods started adding the label "Gluten Free" to their packaging. Then Rice Chex became gluten-free. Now, in addition to Rice Chex, General Mills has announced that the following Chex cereals have no barley malt and are gluten-free: Corn Chex, Strawberry Chex, Honey Chex, Chocolate Chex, and Cinnamon Chex. Stores will sell the products they already have on their shelves, so be sure to read the labels to make sure the box(s) you purchase are gluten-free. The new packages will say "Gluten Free" on the front.

And now a dream come true...

Betty Crocker is responding to the need for gluten-free products. On your grocer's shelves, you will soon find Betty Crocker Gluten Free Yellow Cake Mix, Devil's Food Cake Mix, Chocolate Chunk Brownies, and Chocolate Chip Cookie Mix. All packages will be clearly marked "Gluten Free" on the front of the package.

Did you really think this day would ever come? The companies are finding a need and filling it -- thanks to efforts of all the people who, for the past few years, have spent their time and energy educating both the medical community and the general population about celiac disease, writing to companies, and asking all forms of media to publicize both CD and the gluten-free diet. Those efforts are paying off.

Visit her web site for more Gluten Free Information

Read my interview with Connie Sarros last year

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