From No nuttin
We currently have a kids contest going on to name our logo dude with 1 lucky winner from Canada and 1 from the US winning up to 400 granola bars for their school and I was wondering if you could get the word out because we’d really like lots of ideas from kids (no purchases necessary at all) since our allergic/Celiac kids often get left out of food contests. I also want them to be a “hero” at their school for winning a snack for everybody. Even if your kids aren’t allergic/Celiac, they’ll still be a hero at their school, and, I’m sure, feeding many allergic/intolerant kids as well so they are also welcome to enter. Here are the details below:
Win up to 400 granola bars for your school! We're having a Nonuttin' logo buddy (the little guy with his arms wide open and his head in the "O") naming contest just for kids up to age 18 from Canada and the Continental USA. Please make sure that you have permission from your parents to enter the contest. No purchase is necessary.
You may enter 1 time only and the contest finishes on December 31, 2008. After that time, we will be choosing the 2 names that we think are best with 1 from the US and 1 from Canada. If your name is chosen, you will win granola bars for your school (to a maximum of 400). In the January Nonuttin’ enewsletter only the first name, age and state/province of the winner will be released (i.e.: Susan, 12, Texas).
All you need to do is go to our website at www.nonuttin.com and enable your pop up viewer or use this link to go directly to enter: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s.aspx?sm=zTfjXEwQ7aBNifY3vaNkMw_3d_3d. As part of the entry, we will be asking you a few questions so that we know a bit more about Nonuttin' kids, your allergies/health issues and to get your ideas for what you like and don't like. Even if you have never eaten Nonuttin’ products, you can still enter.
After the 2 names are chosen, check back in January to vote for your favorite name on the special poll that will be set up on the www.nonuttin.com website. Then, whichever name is chosen by the votes will be the new name of our logo buddy. Have fun thinking and good luck!
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