Smarties / Rockets allergen statement
Smarties® and our entire line of products are free from most the known allergens, and they do not appear anywhere in our manufacturing facilities.
This product is called Rockets in Canada and Smarties in USA.
Thanks to Noha of the Halifax Area Anaphylaxis Group for this information posted here on their site.
UPDATE From Noha
Recently I wrote a little tidbit about safe Halloween candy called Rockets. I have an update from the company. Please check it out here
Rockets is not safe! I put a phone call to verify that it is safe, and was told that Rockets are produced in the USA and the candy is safe but that once it enters Canada, it is packaged and distributed by a facility that is not allergen free. This facility processes peanuts, tree nuts, dairy, and eggs, among other allergens. Additionally, they do not have a may contain warning about this on their packaging.
Noha Elkar
Thank you. That is consistent with what I've been told in the past.
Canadians read that Smarties are milk free and don't necessarily know that Americans are talking about Rockets.
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