News From One Spot Allergy
Belts For New EpiPen!
I’m the first to market with e belts for the new oval barreled EpiPen®. The new design holds the EpiPen within the clear protective case that comes with the EpiPen. It was a pleasure to ship out* 10 backorders today and with that place 18 new belts into the community.
* The price is now $60 and the shipping is now $5.95, now free after $150.

I’m the only e-belt retailer offering double medication belts and double holsters, to use to carry two EpiPens instead of just one. My son has worn a double medication belt since age five without complaint. As you can see if you click here to view my product page, I recommend the double belt, as a second EpiPen may be needed to gain control of a severe reaction, if emergency help is delayed, or if the first EpiPen is misfired. Having said that, I sell twice as many single belts than double belts.
I’m also excited to report that I’m testing a waterproof EpiPen pouch. It holds up to four EpiPens, and you can slip in antihistamine medication, emergency contact information, even a cell phone. It’s perfect to send with children to camp, the beach, swimming pools, and splash pads. I should have the product available within one week (now availible).

I sourced this product in response to Twitter posts I saw asking if there were any waterproof items on the market. Are there any other products you’d like me to research to make your life easier and safer? If so, please leave a comment or message me on my Facebook or Twitter pages.
Thanks Elizabeth
You can find Elizabeth on Facebook at OnespotAllergy and on Twitter @Onespot_Allergy.
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