Interview with Kerry Mc Manama & Heather Mehra authors of The No Biggie Bunch.
The smart and whimsical stories of The No Biggie Bunch teach kids when they’re prepared with safe snacks and a ready response, the social challenges of food allergies are “No Biggie”!
Interview with Amy Recob author of The Bug a Bees: Friends with Food Allergies.
"The BugaBees: Friends with Food Allergies" tells the story of eight best buggy friends and the different food challenges they face on a daily basis. At home and at school, at the park, or on the beach, BugaBees find ways to stay safe, have fun, and remember that the joy of friendship is far sweeter than any food they can, or in some cases, can’t have.
You Can also visit these authors websites:

Why Am I Different, by Naomi Antenucci from My First Allergy
The author has shared this information about her book:
Why Am I Different is a food allergy storybook that is having an impact not only in Australia but also overseas. ?Why Am I Different? - My First Allergy Book? is a food allergy storybook, for children in the 0 - 3 age group.
The book has also found an additional market with primary schools currently using the book as a first reader resource and to introduce food safety awareness in the classroom. have allergy aware shirts for children, as well as two allergy books for children.
From Carey Shoemaker
My husband and I have a food allergycompany that promotes the empowerment and self-confidence of children withfood allergies. When our son was diagnosed with a Milk allergy years ago,we wanted him to be able to manage his allergy in a way that promoted hisindependence, self-confidence, and self-esteem.
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