Wednesday, June 24, 2009


You could win
a prize pack from
Taste of Nature

Simply post in the comments what flavour is your favorite, or the flavour you most wish to try. You can also E-mail me your favorite. Another way of entering is to Twitter this giveaway! You can even enter both ways by using twitter to tell people about this giveaway (just tweet this post) and comment to win. All Taste of Nature Products are gluten and dairy free. The prize is 1 box of 16 assorted bars and a cotton shopping bag from Taste of Nature.

Taste of Nature Flavours
Argentina Peanut Plains
Brazilian nut Fiesta
California Almond Valley
Niagara Apple Country
Quebec Cranberry Carnival
Caribbean Ginger Island
Chilean Blueberry Fields
Himalayan Goji Summit
Persian Pomegranate Garden

Winner will be chosen July 10, 2009 (Prize open for people in Can or USA) the winner will be picked randomly.


no said...

I have never tried these bars but I am always looking for new and healthier bars on the market. Having recently taken my son off of milk and with the next step being gluten free products I would LOVE to try these bars! Especially the Argentina Peanut Plains...mmmmmm.!!!

Alisa - Frugal Foodie said...

I would love to win this! I haven't tried these but they sound so good!

I added the giveaway to my blog post too -

Unknown said...

Doesn't "Chilaen Blueberry Fields" sound divine? That's the one I'd want to try!

Anne said...

Wow, Caribbean Ginger Island flavor sounds so intriguing!

Grace said...

Have not seen these in stores. Look yummy. My 6 yr old is gluten and dairy free so these would be great. She would like the apple (personally, I think the ginger looks good!)

Anonymous said...

the apple country sounds good.

ikkinlala said...

I've never tried these bars, but they all sound good. I'm most interested in trying the Brazilian Nut Fiesta.

ikkinlala AT yahoo DOT ca

Nutritious is Delicious said...

Wow! I am such a "bar" girl, so the fact that I have never seen these bars intrigues me! I would love to try them all, but my love for almonds makes the California Almond Valley bar that much more appealing!

Thank you for the opportunity! :D

Anonymous said...

So happy you are running this contest, I love to keep up with new organic and gluten-free products.
I haven't seen these anywhere in Bellingham but will ask at the Coop for them.
I think I really need the persian pomegranate one.

Shirley said...

hey, first time reader here :)

this sounds like an awesome giveaway! i've never had these bars before, but they sound amazing. how can one choose a favorite? haha, but really, i guess i would go for the caribbean ginger island - sounds fascinating.

Carolyn G said...

I would love to try the Chilean Blueberry Fields. THese look delish and healthy