Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Blue Bear Contest

Blue Bear Aware Give Away/Contest:

Tell us about your favourite Blue Bear Aware product and enter the contest to win a Blue Bear Aware gift certificate worth ($ 25). Visit Blue Bear Aware at, then post a comment here on Avoiding Milk Blog about what product you would like to have or if you already own Blue Bear Aware products comment about them! This is a great opportunity to win more allergy aware products.

Gift Certificate expires December 31, 2009 and may be used towards any Blue Bear Aware product(s). Winner will be choosen Monday November 16 in time for Christmas shopping!


Your Mom said...

I want the dairy free is prrfect for me shirt for my daughter. Cute stuff!

Ella's Mom said...

I love the idea of the "Food can Hurt" playdate allergy alert cards. My daughter's still too young to go to playdates without me (13 months) but I love the idea of just filling out little reminder cards for the other moms rather than having to type everything out & worry that they won't really read it.

smilinggreenmom said...

Love the allergy cards too! I once had the idea to create something like this for our son :) For allergy free natural living please come to my blog too!

maureen (Taylor's mom) said...

Wow! Another epipen case! My son loves his. It's my husband who forgets that a trip to the park needs to be just as protected as a trip to a restaurant. He forgets constantly. A special "DAD BAG" would be great!

Thanks so much!


Camilla said...

I was thrilled to find the Advent Calendar. Till now my kids have never been able to have those because of allergies. They will be thrilled come December 1st to start the count down. Thank you Blue Bear aware!