Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Eat Nut Free is having a Giveaway of Autographed copy of Kyle Dine's Allergy CDs go to his blog the rules for this giveaway.

Allergic Girl is doing several giveaways with her new book Allergic Girl: Adventures in Living Well with Food Allergies on several blogs including:

Food Allergy Assistant
Gluten Free Fun
Food Allergy Buzz
Food Allergy Mama
GO Dairy Free
Our Story
Cybal Pascal

DO NOT comment on this blog article, to enter contests, rather follow the links above.


protein shakes said...

Are you very lactose intolerant? I love milk so much, I would be traumatised if I was lactose intolerant. Can you still have products such as milk chocolate etc?

Karen said...

Most of my visitors are milk ALLERGIC not lactose intolerant. In fact almost half my visitors have multiple food allergies, or their children do.