I recived information about a new web site www.allergyonboard.com They have allergy aware shirts for children, as well as two allergy books for children.
From Carey Shoemaker
My husband and I have a food allergycompany that promotes the empowerment and self-confidence of children withfood allergies. When our son was diagnosed with a Milk allergy years ago,we wanted him to be able to manage his allergy in a way that promoted hisindependence, self-confidence, and self-esteem.
Wow, I love this! Good info and I LOVE the shirts. Too bad they don't make them smaller! My little guy is just getting into size 18 months clothes. We would get him the milk and egg riding a tandem bike if it would fit LOL =] More importantly, lots of good links on their site. Thanks!
Katrina Blue Bear Aware has allergy shirts, many are smaller.
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