Friday, February 17, 2017

How to Make The Most Delicious Rice Milk

How to Make The Most Delicious Rice Milk
Milk protein allergies (MPA) are a recognized problem in young children. Studies show that MPA might affect up to 15% of children but people of any age can have the same allergy and react adversely to milk protein. This includes anaphylaxis which is a serious and potentially fatal allergic reaction.

While living with MPA means avoiding a list of foods and drinks, there are many alternatives that might prove to be even more nutritious, convenient, and practical for you and your family.

What is Rice Milk?
Rice milk is made with rice grain and is a non-dairy milk similar to almond and soy milk. It has more carbohydrate content compared to cow’s milk, does not contain lactose, and is free from cholesterol. Rice milk is sold in stores but, did you know that you can make it at home for a fraction of the cost?

No-Cook Method to Making Rice Milk

1. 1 cup of your preferred rice grain (uncooked) - This can be white or brown but for more nutrition, you can choose brown rice which is a good source of magnesium, phosphorus, thiamine, vitamin B-6, niacin, iron, and zinc! If you can, go for organically grown brown rice.

2. 4 cups of water.

3. Optional for flavor: salt, honey, and/or vanilla.
1. Wash rice and soak in container overnight (10-14 hours).
2. Drain rice but do not wash. Pour into blender and add 4 cups of water. You can add your flavorings according to your preference.
3. Blend on high for 3 minutes.
4. Use a thin towel or cheesecloth over a bowl to strain the blended mixture. This will separate the rice grains from the milk.
Enjoy chilled and consume no later than one week!
Other uses for rice milk:

Aside from drinking rice milk to replace a dairy-based beverage, you can also use rice milk for your cereals and even for cooking! Here are some of our favorite recipes on the Avoiding Milk Protein blog, all of which use rice milk:

Kids approve these delicious donut holes that are wonderfully made with rice milk.
1. Dairy Free Carrot Bread
2. Delicious Dairy Free Donut Holes
3. Applehouse Cinnamon Doughnuts

You can also try using rice milk for adding to your morning cereals, coffee, and in making your favorite desserts. If there’s one good thing about having allergies similar to people switching to a healthy lifestyle, it’s being creative and resourceful in the kitchen!

Do you have ideas on how to use rice milk for whipping up a delicious dairy-free and allergy safe meal? Please share it with us through the comments below, we’d love to try it too!

About the author: Lace Llanora is a food allergy writer at American Medical ID. American Medical ID serves the medical community by offering quality medical IDs that can be customized for any allergy or condition the wearer may have.

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